Corporate Governance

The way we interact with our distributors is fundamental for our business and our success. We strive to act with integrity, responsibility, fairness, transparency and discretion at all times in order to secure the trust of our distributors.

WinSquare's corporate governance complies with internationally accepted standards. We recognize the importance of good corporate governance and know that transparent disclosure of the same helps distributors assess the quality of the Group and our management.

Complying With Rules and Regulations

We fully adhere to the principles and comply with the rules and regulations of any jurisdiction where we operate, with a few minor exceptions where the rules are not applicable.

Our Corporate Governance Framework

Our corporate governance policies and procedures are laid out in a series of documents governing the organization and management of WinSquare. The Board of Directors has adopted a set of Corporate Governance Guidelines aimed at explaining and promoting an understanding of our governance structure.

Managing Risk

Our Risk Management function occupies a central role in our organization as it fosters a disciplined risk culture and creates appropriate transparency by providing a sound basis for the management to define a suitable risk profile. Risk Management is instrumental in ensuring a prudent and intelligent approach to risk-taking that appropriately balances risk and return and optimizes the allocation of capital throughout the corporation. Moreover, through a proactive risk management culture and the use of cutting-edge quantitative and qualitative tools we strive to minimize the potential for undesired risk exposure in our operations

Committed to Compliance

We strive ceaselessly to ensure that our employees maintain the highest standards of compliance with all legal, regulatory and internal requirements. Our employees are asked to observe strict standards of professional conduct at all times. Compliance considerations are critically important when selecting employees, developing training tools, and defining processes and rules and is a vital element of all our supervisory and control systems.

Rewarding Excellence

We are committed to employing a compensation approach that rewards excellence, encourages personal contribution and professional growth and aligns the employees’ interests with those of WinSquare, thus motivating the creation of distributors value. Long-term corporate success in the research,manufacturing and trading industry depends on the strength of human capital, and our goal is to be the employer of choice in the markets and business segments in which we operate.